Hearing loss

Can a hearing aid
restore hearing?

Will hearing aids cure my hearing loss?

Most people with hearing loss can be treated with hearing aids. Medical treatments and surgical procedures are helpful for only five percent of adults with hearing loss.

Hearing aids cannot cure hearing loss, but they CAN help you hear better again.

Hearing is a complex process that starts with the ears and ends in the brain where information is received, stored and “decoded” into something we understand.

When you add hearing aids to boost hearing, the brain suddenly registers long-lost sounds. Adjusting to amplification requires time, endurance and patience. You are essentially retraining your brain to interpret sounds, focus on some and filter others out – just as you did naturally when your hearing was normal.

Hearing aids can improve your ability to hear and communicate with the world around you, but they cannot “cure” your hearing loss – just as glasses do not “cure” your nearsightedness or farsightedness. They are tools to help you manage the problem, and while they can contribute significantly to an improved quality of life, they are not perfect. Even with successfully fitted hearing aids, you may still have difficulties hearing well in some situations. You will find ways to adapt to your new hearing aids, including watching people more closely as they talk and keeping background noise to a minimum when possible.

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